
Amsicora011Amsicora is moored in Civitavecchia on June 13th, 2013.
Built: 2002 | IMO No.: 9220342 | Gross tonnage: 36,825 | Flag: Italy | Passenger capacity: 1,922 | Car capacity: 660

Mein Schiff 2

Mein-Schiff-2_06 Mein-Schiff-2_18Cruise vessel Mein Schiff 2 is passing Stade in the evening of July 23rd, 2012.


Mein-Schiff-2_011Cruise vessel Mein Schiff 2 is moored in Monte Carlo on June 11th, 2013.
Built: 1997 | IMO No.: 9106302 | Gross tonnage: 77,302 | Flag: Malta | Passenger capacity: 1,912

Cruise vessel Mein Schiff 2 is passing Stade in the evening of July 23rd, 2012. Built: 1997 | IMO No.: 9106302 | Gross tonnage: 76,998 | Flag: Malta | Passenger capacity: 1,912

ocean ship pictures by Christian Costa