
Seamarlin01 Seamarlin15Chemical tanker Seamarlin is passing Cuxhaven on February 10th, 2013.
Built: 2007 | IMO No.: 9380489 | Gross tonnage: 26,548| Flag: Germany | Cargo capacity: 47,445 m³

Julia N

Julia-N05 Julia-N17Very large ore carrier Julia N is passing Cuxhaven on February 12th, 2013 and is bound for Hansaport, Hamburg.
This is the very first call of this vessel to Hamburg.
Built: 2012 | IMO No.: 9479369 | Gross tonnage: 151,448 | Flag: Liberia | Cargo capacity: 180,474 m³

Scarlet Star

Scarlet-Star01Product tanker Scarlet Star is passing Kandilli bound for the Sea of Marmara on September 15th, 2012.
Built: 2005 | IMO No.: 9290828 | Gross tonnage: 23,298 | Flag:  Marshall Islands | Cargo capacity: 43,118 m³


Mosel02Panmax bulk carrier Mosel is discharging coal at Bremen powerplant on January 20th, 2013.
Built: 2001 | IMO No.: 9224714 | Gross tonnage: 40,605 | Flag: Cyprus | Cargo capacity: 90,090 m³

Twinkle Island

Twinkle-Island002_2Kamsarmax bulk carrier Twinkle Island is discharging coal at Bremen powerplant on February 03rd, 2013.
Built: 2012 | IMO No.: 9512367 | Gross tonnage: 43,013 | Flag: Marshall Islands | Cargo capacity: 97,381 m³


Alphagas00LPG tanker Alphagas is passing Cuxhaven on February 10th, 2013.
Built: 1996 | IMO No.: 9130456 | Gross tonnage: 4,924 | Flag: Antigua | Cargo capacity: 5,801 m³

ocean ship pictures by Christian Costa